
Insightpool Graduates from the Village!

December 18, 2014

Insightpool, a social engagement startup, has been with the Village since we first opened our doors in January 2013. They were with us from the beginning to end of our renovation, and all the chaos in between. We can fondly swap stories of a group of 4 guys helping us build the original IKEA furniture, using space outside their office as storage, and the ugly green carpet and gold chandeliers in their first office. They have been an incredible culture fit for us from the beginning and helped set a tone of work hard, and play harder. They also always had an open bar... which pretty much made whatever office they were in a destination point.Two years later, insightpool has grown to well over 50 team members and officially graduated out of the Village last Friday.  We are proud to have been a part of their story and love celebrating with them in their success. They utilized our community perhaps better than anyone we know, and were always meeting people, giving tours, and making introductions.Their graduation last week was one of our largest Startup Chowdowns to date! Hundreds of people joined us to see insightpool off in style. Their signature blue was found in cookies, balloons, hand spun cotton candy, and yes- even in the champagne.The Village exists to foster tech startups in their earliest phases and celebrates the companies who outgrow our space. Bitpay graduated this past summer growing from 2 people to 42 people, and now insightpool has grown from 4 to 51 while within our walls. We can't wait to see who is next!Check out the farewell video the insightpool team made and the photos from the party below. And to insightpool- congratulations! We are excited about what the future holds for a great product and an even better team.

December 18, 2014
Karen Houghton