
Atlanta Startup Village

June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017 7:00 PM
9:00 pm

The Atlanta Startup Village is a fun, informative, and inclusive forum for networking and feedback. A selected group of new or emerging startups get 5 minutes to pitch their business, with time for Q&A to discuss roadblocks, opportunities, and get feedback. This group is focused on startups, not just technology startups to broaden exposure and realize that all startups use technology and can benefit from one another.

Come at 7pm for networking, program starts at 7:30. Beer starts flowing at 7 and is sponsored this month by Algolia and Digital Crafts! Parking and directions here.
Who's presenting? It's posted on our blog monthly.
Can't make it? Watch it LIVE here!
Never been to Atlanta Startup Village? Check out this 360 degree photo experience, thanks to Villager Dan Smigrod of We Get Around!