
Break Into Business

July 6, 2015
July 6, 2015 9:00 AM
9:00 am

Break Into Business is a weeklong enrichment day camp that transforms kids age 9-14 into real entrepreneurs. Students work in teams as they learn about the ‘3 P’s of Entrepreneurship’ (Product, Price, and Promotion) and apply them to their own small business. Our entrepreneurs brainstorm a product, develop a business budget, launch an elaborate promotional campaign (including websites, social media, t-shirts), and enter the Shark Tank before LAUNCHING their own real small business! Teams donate at least 10% of their profit to charity and then split the rest – we want to teach them that profit is an exciting reward for running an excellent business.
Break Into Business is “a perfect mix of fun and learning” as we integrate numerous games and interactive challenges into the week. We promise that you will be amazed at how much your son or daughter learns.
Each time that a student completes a session of Break Into Business they will earn a new award and title (Entrepreneur → Executive → Director → CEO). Returning students are teamed together and work through a more challenging curriculum each time they attend. [Note: students who completed camp during the summer of 2014 will retroactively be awarded the “Entrepreneur” title and will move to the next level]
More Information Here!