
Village Workshop: Building a Stronger and More Saleable Business

November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014 2:00 PM
3:30 pm

How to build an integrated IP strategy that manages risk and is affordable.

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Unless you have an infinite amount of money, you need to make tough decisions about what IP protection you can afford to protect. The problem is that all IP is a “front loaded” cost which must be spent before you know what aspect of your concept will catch fire. Furthermore, you need protection sooner than later, so often utility patents won’t do the job, because they take so long to issue, but you can’t forgo them because your funders want them. There is a way to balance all of these demands. We call it an “Integrated IP Strategy” which uses all available tools in the right amount at the right time (as much as possible).

About the speaker:

Michael Lasky, Altera Law Group
Warning: the speaker is an IP attorney, but unlike one you have ever met. We promise you will be entertained (and educated). This program has been shown around the world and it is always a rave. Lawyers are generally focused on law. Marketers are focused on marketing, but in branding, the two are totally intertwined and who is watching the store? Michael Lasky fills that gap. He is a patent and trademark attorney at two law firms: Altera Law Group (Atlanta) and SLW law (large national IP firm). He is an expert in brand strategy and the integration of marketing principles and legal boundaries. He will help you create a strategy which a) works and b) its legal!