
Wellness Workshop | ADHD and Entrepreneurs: The Relationship that was Meant to be!

October 30, 2024
October 30, 2024 9:30 AM
11:00 am

What do ADHD and Entrepreneurship have in common? You can problem-solve like a champ, you swim in chaos like it was the baby pool and you're passionate about not answering to a boss who just doesn’t understand how you get things done! Yet, self-management and progress is difficult when you are lacking structure, juggling roles and trying to accomplish big dreams.

Join us in this safe and fun environment, as we learn how to overcome your personal challenges or empower a team, a colleague with ADHD in the workplace.

This workshop is designed to offer a true-lived experience, making aware the challenges of executive functioning, communication and execution. You will learn tactics to recognize, overcome and most of all bounce back from any ADHD setback.

While ADHD is a set of neurological differences, you are not your symptoms. Take back intention and regain control today!

About the Facilitator

Evan Kirstein M. Ed, PCC, CACP has over 10 years of as an Executive / ADHD Coach, Presenter, and Corporate Facilitator, Evan has immersed himself in a passionate career of leadership and education. Having been diagnosed with ADHD, he has a rare perspective and a deep understanding of its many aspects and unique learning process. His mission is to enable and empower executives, management, and entrepreneurs with ADHD to achieve growth and success in their personal and professional lives.

Evans' degrees stand for Professional Certified Coach by the ICF as well as Certified ADHD Coach Practitioner by the PAAC.

This event is free for Villagers and ticketed for guests. Parking Validation is included with the purchase of your ticket.