What's your WHY Workshop
WHY do you think the way you think, talk the way you talk, act the way you act? At this highly interactive workshop, you will learn:
- How to discover your WHY in an interactive format -- you will learn the exact process to apply at home and at the office.
- How to create WHY-based messaging for your marketing efforts
- How to use neuroscience to drive behavior and how you can use that in your personal life as well as in your business
- The WHY Discovery Workshop is designed to identify, harness and explode the core beliefs of your business and your team by creating clarity, vision and a unified culture β to become an inspired business.
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Jim Jubelirer is a Certified Gazelles Coach, one of 125 people trained by Verne Harnish to deliver the Rockefeller Habits business coaching framework. Jim is also a certified "WHY Guy"; an expert speaker for Vistage: serves as an Executive Coach for the Duke Leadership Program at the Fuqua School of Business; and is active with RTP Capital Associates, an angel investment network.
Jim works with CEOs who are frustrated by a lack of a long-range plan and lack of consistent results in their business. He helps his clients implement the best practices in business development and leadership development in order to achieve Breakthrough Results.