How to Know Your Purpose in Your Work: A simple exercise for clarity
May 27, 2020
What would you say if someone were to ask you, “what do you do?” What would you say ifthey followed up with, “why do you do it?” Depending on the context and who’s asking, you maygive a surface level response—“it pays the bills, I enjoy this and that about it” etc. Or you may beone of the rare few who smiles and shares how it brings joy to life. In any case, the question is agood one because it calls out “the reason for which something is done or created, or for whichsomething exists,” which is the definition of purpose. Surface level answers are obvious, but thedeeper we go beneath the surface, the less obvious the answers become. Why is it important toknow them? The better we understand why we do anything, the better we do it, and the more joyit brings to life.