it takes a village

Meet our talented team

We are only as great as the sum of our parts. Lucky for us we have a team of innovative, kind, and crazy smart people who help make this community run smoothly. We exist to serve and support our startups on their quest to change the world. We also like to think we are pretty darn fun to be around. We hope to meet you soon!

David Cummings


David Lightburn


Aly Merritt

Managing Director

Ania Lackey

Director of Partnerships

Irina Burlack

Director of Operations

Durantae Lucas

Director of Finance

Nick Beyer

Head of Facilities

Richard Hatcher

Membership Coordinator

Justin Vanorsby

Coffee Shop Manager

Nisha Kavalam

Head of Brand and Events

Brandon Winfield

Pre-Accelerator Program Manager

Jamal Reid

Head of Security



Our Mission

Established in 2013, the Atlanta Tech Village is a community of innovation powered by a 103,000 square foot building. The Village is designed for technology and technology-related companies that have a unique set of needs in their quest to change the world. Your workspace should be more than just a desk and a place to hang your hat — it should bring the community together, promote serendipitous interactions, and be a powerful tool for recruiting the best talent.

Our Values

We live and breathe these values. Startups are hard. Community shouldn’t be.

Pay It Forward.

Lend a helping hand, volunteer, make an intro, listen, give advice, and pay it forward.

Be Nice.

There is always time for kindness. We are a community of people who care for each other and celebrate successes.

Work hard. Play hard.

We work hard, long hours. And when you love what you do, you should also love where you work. Playing hard is one of our specialties.

Dream Big.

The Village exists for entrepreneurs. We are startups biggest fans and we provide everything you need to achieve your biggest dreams. You got this!