
30 Entrepreneur Interviews in 30 Days

March 4, 2015

According to the latest Kauffman Index around 28% of Americans are entrepreneurs. In the Village, entrepreneurs come from a variety of demographics and across all ethnicities, ranging in age from 18 to 62 and while they trend male, we are seeing more and more female Founders. So why do so few take the leap into building their own company?Partnering with Village member Kerry Abner of Intecoo Group, we decided to find out why the entrepreneurs we knew took the plunge. Kerry and I sat down with 30 startup Founders in the Village and asked them- What are some lessons you've learned? What is the best advice you ever received? What would you tell your 20 year old self? Why did you choose a startup? How you define success? It was an incredible experience. All of the tech entrepreneurs we spoke with were positive, resourceful, passionate about their work, and had a willingness to learn from failure and persevere.We can't wait to share some of these interviews with you. Every day, one 15 second snippet of advice and insight from an experienced entrepreneur will be posted. We are calling it #30in30. 30 entrepreneur interviews in 30 days. So go ahead and follow us on Instagram and Twitter because #30in30 starts tomorrow. We hope it will encourage you to start now, and love what you do.

March 4, 2015
Karen Houghton