Aly in the ATL... Tech Village

As you may have heard through the grapevine, Aly Merritt is joining the Atlanta Tech Village team and we are so excited that we just can’t hide it.
Here’s what Aly has to say about big changes, dreaming big, and coming back to where Salesloft started.
"In October, I’ll be joining the Atlanta Tech Village team as the new Managing Director.
That’s both an exciting and terrifying statement for me: I’ve been a Lofter at Salesloft for almost eight years, and I’ve been so lucky to be a part of that journey. It has been an incredible, sometimes wild ride, one that I have adored -- and to be honest, the Village is probably the only thing that could have tempted me away.
Salesloft started at Atlanta Tech Village before the building had even been fully renovated (at some point I even played laser tag in the third floor right before it was gutted, along with other Villagers and the Village team), and I’ve had a special place in my heart for this community all along. Even when Salesloft moved next door, even when we moved to Midtown, Atlanta Tech Village still pulled at me.
I come back every other month to run Atlanta Startup Village and try to keep some of that connection, but somehow David Cummings and David Lightburn knew there could be more. And they have brought me that chance. (Thank you both!!!)
Here is how I feel about the Village: I believe in the power of the serendipitous interactions and collaborations that happen in the halls and elevators. I believe that you can be friendly and supportive of others in the startup space without giving up some slice of your pie. I believe that our startup scene can and should reflect the city in which we live: diverse, innovative, visionary, and kind. I believe that you should pay it forward, even if “forward” is only a little bit more for you than someone else, and even if it happens while you’re working (and playing) hard.
I believe that a rising tide raises all ships, and that you can be nice and dream big at the same time.
And I’ve been offered the chance to take those beliefs to a whole new level. How could I say no?
I am excited about this new opportunity, and I can’t wait to say hi to everyone as a Villager again. See you soon!"
Read a little more about Aly's journey in her blog post here.