It Takes a Village Pre-Acclerator Cohort #7 Graduation

Join us as we celebrate the graduation of our Spring ‘21 #ItTakesAVillage Pre-Accelerator cohort!

About this event
Unfortunately all good things most come to an end.. for example our ITV7 Cohort will be graduating on May 27th! It’s been an amazing run working alongside these incredible minority and women led start-ups for the last 4 months. We hate to see them go, but we love to see them leave and move on to bigger and better things!
Our team’s diversity and inclusion initiative emphasizes the importance of supporting diverse perspectives and inclusive work environments in technology. The It Takes A Village Pre-Accelerator is becoming one of nation’s most prestigious programs for pre-seed startups led by women and people of color. Some of our past alumni wins, continued success, notable sponsorships, and recap of the previous cohort can be found here.
Join us virtually on May 27th at 12pm to celebrate the success of these 9 founders:
- Vower, Rejoice Jones
- MaverickIQ, Dalero Berkley
- BESN, Timothy Fields
- StageWing, Arsed “Sed” Joseph
- Stream Suites, Marsha Jean-Louis
- Availia, Amy Hollibaugh
- Creative Critique, Eban Bisong
- TaxZen, Saurav Bhandari
- Very Individual Protection Services (VIP), Samuel Austin Evans