Start It Up Georgia Graduation and Grant Funding Winners

This fall, Atlanta Tech Village launched Start It Up Georgia with the mission to provide free training, support, and guidance to all Georgians who wanted to become entrepreneurs. On November 9th, we got together virtually to celebrate the culmination of the program, the launch of over 100 new businesses and announce the winners of over $14,500 in funding. You can watch the full recording of the Graduation below.
Here are a few stats on the program:
- 709 people were accepted into the 13 week program.
- 56% were not in full time work at the start of the program. (either students, unemployed, retired, or part time)
- 90% came from Georgia, but we also had folks from California, Arizona, Florida, New York, Maryland, North Carolina, Michigan, Washington, and more.
- 12 teachers volunteer their time and expertise to teach 12 Lesson Labs
- 42 Mentors volunteered to meet with 350+ participants each week to support the founders as they built
- 139 new companies were launched!
- 94% said the program was very helpful in launching their company
- 103 people applied for grant funding
- 7 startups were granted a cumulative $14,500

Learn more about the 7 Grant Funding Winners here:
Blue Honey Homestead
Blue Honey Homestead crafts artisan products for the home - specializing in breads, soap and "garden-to-table" goods. We consider customers friends. We aim to enrich the lives of our friends, creating connection through baking, soap making and gardening. Get some of Andrea's amazing bread today by visiting her website!
Concept Factory Atlanta
Concept Factory Atlanta will be a smart collaborative hub and coworking space and will serve as a pipeline for visual storytellers to reach production studios and beyond while building community, relationships, and professional connections. Learn more about the great things to come from Concept Factory Atlanta today!
Clove's Customer Hub: Clove gives your customers a central place to access everything post-sale. Increase adoption and renewals by connecting your product with your post-sale platforms. All in one place, beautifully packaged. Check out their website to learn more!
BLK JOY Coffee & Tea Counter
BLK JOY coffee & tea counter brings BLK coffee & BLK culture back together! They are a mobile counter serving specialty coffee sourced from Black & indigenous farmers steeped in the Black experience. Go see them in South Fulton for a delicious cup of BLK JOY & check out their Instagram today!
READI reskills low literate adults. READI assesses the team, creates and delivers workforce readiness trainings that address the workers literacy gaps and improves their employability. Elissa & READI are all about paying it forward and helping others. Learn more about the amazing work they are doing today by checking out their website!
RIF Robotics Corp
RIF Robotics Corp is developing an autonomous mobile robot to help hospital managers reduce costs, errors, and infection rates with a robot that can assemble customized surgical case carts in a collaborative environment for robots and healthcare workers. Learn more about how they are serving the healthcare community here.
The Rural Urban Connection
The Rural Urban Connection is using eco-friendly (regenerative) agricultural practices to raise grass-fed beef in Georgia and deliver that beef to Metro-Atlanta consumers. You can find the Rural Urban Connection on Facebook!
Congrats to these founders and all the other graduates. We are so proud of each of you, keep up the hard work!
We will always believe entrepreneurship is the greatest mechanism for changing the world. We were so encouraged by all Georgians who want to launch their own business and cannot wait to see the success that comes from all of the founders that participated in this program.